
Garden updates 2017

Updates to my compact garden 2017

First of all – Happy International Permaculture Day everyone! The 7th of May is the day for giving some extra attention to Permaculture. If you’re a beginner in Permaculture you can start by checking out my Permaculture & Gardening section here in the blog. There you can get some [...]

7th May 2017

Volunteering at Solawi Zabergäu – a German CSA

This year I have decided to deepen my knowledge in Permaculture and try to get to know more people working on different Permaculture projects. As a few of you might know my long-term goals are to have a small Permaculture farm of my own again as well as doing some more Permaculture teaching and [...]

5th March 2017

Sustainable living - free e-book download

Sustainable living – 5 tips to get you started

We all know we need to start living more sustainable to make sure this earth remains a green and flourishing planet to live on. But many of us don’t know where to start. Some have the idea that you need to start a hippie life out in the woods to help turn things around, but I want to show [...]

1st September 2016

Build your own natural pond with simple and efficient methods -

How to build a natural pond

A natural pond is a great feature to add to almost any garden. Water features create favorable micro climates, habitats for many beneficial animals and provide water to the roots of surrounding trees and plants. If you want to create your own natural pond, this is the place to start! This article [...]

25th August 2016

Plants growing on top of compost bin

5 smart tips for better compost

An example of plants growing directly on top of a compost bin. During the seminar I took at Krameterhof I learned a few new things about compost. Here are some of my favorite tips that I hope you will also find useful: 1: Mix and match Try to have as much variety as possible in your compost pile. [...]

21st July 2016

House by a pond at Krameterhof, Lungau, Austria -

The 3 principles of Holzer Permaculture

Last week I attended a four day workshop at Krameterhof in Lungau, Austria. Krameterhof is the family farm of Sepp Holzer, now taken over by his son Josef Andreas Holzer and his partner Imgard Ilg. On this 40 hectare farm they practice Permaculture on a big scale adjusted to the local alpine [...]

7th July 2016

Guerilla gardening flower seeds in bag

Guerilla gardening time

A quick flashback to some guerilla gardening I did with friends on Walpurgis night. Guerilla what? Guerilla gardening = planting seeds or plants on random ugly spots, often in a city or suburban area, but it can be anywhere really. Note that this is not 100% legal in most cases, so be careful. Even [...]

23rd June 2016

The chaotic compact garden -

Changes in my compact garden 2016

For those of you doing some compact or urban gardening, or any sort of gardening actually, I’d like to remind you of my earlier article about some mistakes I did in 2015 in my terrace garden. It contains some tips that can be useful if you wish to avoid some common errors such as soil drying [...]

2nd June 2016

planting squash and zucchini

A Suburban Permaculture Design

Last week I went to some friends living in a village nearby my place to see if I can bring some new life to their garden. This is the start of a small suburban Permaculture design I’m doing, but I decided to do it “backwards” this time. If you know anything about Permaculture [...]

11th May 2016

Beans and herbs harvested in my terrace garden 2015

Happy Permaculture Day 2016!

Permaculture Day 2016 This is starting to become a tradition! Since a few years now International Permaculture Day is being celebrated on several places all over the world with farm tours, showcases of sustainable housing, Eco-workshops, Permablitzes, films and much more. So far the main part of [...]

1st May 2016

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