
Kronobergs lantbruksmuseum

Traveling through Småland – part 2

Kronoberg agricultural museum Sometimes writing these posts takes longer than expected. One year has passed since I took the photos below. While they have been sitting there waiting I actually visited these places again while out with my new van (yep, I bought one and converted it – [...]

2nd July 2018

Van life adventure

An adventure begins…

Dear friends and fellow hyperbrains, it’s time for an announcement. The blog has been silent for some months. I went silent because I really needed a break and some time for reflection. I needed to consider where I was heading with my life. I felt stuck, stagnated, in need of a major change. [...]

22nd March 2018

Traveling through Småland – part 1

After the weeks spent on the west coast I decided to head towards Småland and the region where a part of my family used to live. More exactly the village Bor (as you might be familiar with from some of the recipes I have been sharing here). We used to spend many summer weeks and school holidays at [...]

6th November 2017

Swedish west coast by Kode

Raw coastlines, industrial black metal & cake

Next stop on my journey was the Swedish west coast where I spent a week hanging out with friends and working on new tracks for Diabolicum. The west coast of Sweden has a different character from the eastern archipelago of Stockholm which I had more contact with when growing up. It has something [...]

10th September 2017

Sheep grazing near the Viking museum of Hedeby.

Walking the paths of the Vikings in Hedeby

Earlier this year in May I went for a road trip up to Sweden. The aim was to hang out with friends for a bit, explore parts of Sweden I hadn’t seen for a long time and some I never visited before. Another goal was to pick up my last remaining belongings from my childhood home. I guess it was [...]

9th August 2017

DIY Camper van - testing the platform for the first time

DIY camper van platform – Turn your car into a mini camper

A camper van is a fantastic travel companion. No need to check into a hotel, no caravan to drag behind your car, much comfier than a tent. But most solutions out on the market are expensive. Others require that you do a full conversion of a vehicle, meaning you’ll lose seats and flexibility. [...]

18th June 2017

Berries at Gartenschau Mühlacker - cropped

8 of my favorite photos

Here are 8 of my favorite (self-taken) photos plus a short story behind each one. Five of them actually hang on my office wall, so these are definitely photos I enjoy looking at. The only editing I have made to them is making them smaller to not kill your Internet connections. Besides that, no [...]

18th March 2017

Skull in Sedlec ossuary, Kutná Hora, Czech Republic

Prague & Kutná Hora – death and ornaments

Last week I was in Prague to play with Diabolicum at the Prague Death Mass. I decided to take some extra time to visit Prague and of course go to the ossuary in Kutná Hora. I guess this post is slightly cliché, but I didn’t have time to visit more than the most known highlights of Prague [...]

22nd September 2016

The path to the Prebersee near Tamsweg in Lungau.

Prebersee – A magical lake hidden high up in the mountains

After a hot and humid day at the Permaculture seminar I took at Krameterhof, I decided to go find a lake to wind down and get some fresher air. A woman I met the evening before, when I went for a walk near the river next to the campsite, had tipped me off about the Prebersee. She said it was the [...]

28th July 2016

Burg Waldeck from path up to the castle

Hike up to Burgruine Waldeck

This weekend I took a trip to another medieval castle ruin nearby that I had wanted to see for some time: Burgruine Waldeck. It’s not fully clear when this castle was first built. It appears to have been mentioned the first time in the mid 12th century, but like many castles of this type it [...]

18th April 2016

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