
Creative October Challenge 2017 -

Creative October Challenge 2017

October is coming up and so is the Creative October Challenge 2017! For the third time in a row we’re getting together to be creative without spending money on new materials, tools or other resources. If you’re not familiar with this creative no-buy challenge yet you will find all the [...]

27th September 2017

Flowers of Evil - Upcycled tote bag

Upcycled tote bag | “Flowers of Evil”

Today I’m trying something new here. For years I have wanted to gather up the courage to start selling a few products of my own but always felt it was somehow “intrusive” or thinking “nobody will care”… But without trying, how would I know? Sure, I did help out [...]

10th November 2016

Crafted in October 2016 - What I did during the Creative October Challenge this year.

Crafted in October 2016

The Creative October Challenge is now done for 2016. It has been a lot of fun and even more so thanks to having some more people to share the experience with! Great contributions in the Facebook group One of the best parts of opening up the Creative October Challenge to the public has been to see [...]

3rd November 2016

Creative October update - cutting out blue dress

Creative October update

We’re already 30 people in the Creative October Challenge Facebook group and I know a few more are joining in privately without posting to the group. It’s really nice to read about the different reasons the participants have for joining the challenge, the projects they are planning for [...]

6th October 2016

How to bind a book - a simple method for beginners

How to bind a book

In this article I’m showing you how to bind a book using whatever paper you have at hand and just a few tools that most people have at home. I don’t claim in any way to be a skilled bookbinder – this is just a simple technique I know that works perfect for making smaller notebooks [...]

29th September 2016

Join the Creative October Challenge - #creativeoctober

Creative October Challenge coming up

Yes, it’s still August over here but this time I want to announce this well in advance to make sure that you also join the Creative October Challenge! Edit: The Creative October Facebook group is now open. Click on the pic below to join! Last year I decided to make October a month to focus on [...]

11th August 2016

historical hand sewing materials

Historical Hand Sewing Tutorial 1 – Materials

Hand sewing tutorials for history freaks Welcome to part one of my historical hand sewing tutorial series! In these articles I will write about materials and techniques used when sewing clothes and accessories in past times when there were no sewing machines. My main focus is Viking and medieval [...]

8th January 2016

Concious consumption - items that last

Conscious consumption – How do you consume? – part 3

How can you switch to a more conscious consumption? Christmas shopping is blasting right now. I find it a good time to think about how and why we consume and how it is possible to change the way we consume into a more conscious consumption. Every year the business world is aiming for higher and [...]

15th December 2015

Crafted in October

Crafted in October

Here is a quick update on the items I have been crafting in October. I have only been using materials I already owned as part of my consumption free October experiment. The items I have been making have largely been hand made, which means I haven’t finished as much as I would have if I was [...]

27th October 2015

Consume Less - Create More

Making October a consumption free month

I have decided to challenge myself and make October a consumption free month – inspired by the Voluntary Simplicity movement. With consumption free I mean only buying what is absolutely necessary such as food and hygiene products (although I believe I have enough of the latter) and bus trips, [...]

1st October 2015

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