Creative October Challenge 2017 -

Creative October Challenge 2017

October is coming up and so is the Creative October Challenge 2017! For the third time in a row we’re getting together to be creative without spending money on new materials, tools or other resources. If you’re not familiar with this creative no-buy challenge yet you will find all the [...]

27th September 2017

DIY Camper van - testing the platform for the first time

DIY camper van platform – Turn your car into a mini camper

A camper van is a fantastic travel companion. No need to check into a hotel, no caravan to drag behind your car, much comfier than a tent. But most solutions out on the market are expensive. Others require that you do a full conversion of a vehicle, meaning you’ll lose seats and flexibility. [...]

18th June 2017

How to bind a book - a simple method for beginners

How to bind a book

In this article I’m showing you how to bind a book using whatever paper you have at hand and just a few tools that most people have at home. I don’t claim in any way to be a skilled bookbinder – this is just a simple technique I know that works perfect for making smaller notebooks [...]

29th September 2016

DIY Birch Hair Rinse - No Poo -

Birch hair rinse

I’m one of those people who suffer from a very dry scalp. Almost any shampoo I try dries it out and makes it itchy and flaky. So I decided to try to cut down washing my with hair with shampoo to once, maximum twice a week. But I felt like I needed something to refresh it in between. Then I [...]

30th June 2016

Gold shoulder bag

Tutorial – Simple Reversible Shoulder Bag

Today I’ll show you how to sew a shoulder bag similar to the one I showed in the blog post earlier this week. It’s a small, practical shoulder bag that fits most items you may need for a night out (wallet, phone, keys, handkerchiefs etc), well, at least I’m not the type that [...]

30th October 2015