
Garden updates 2017

Updates to my compact garden 2017

First of all – Happy International Permaculture Day everyone! The 7th of May is the day for giving some extra attention to Permaculture. If you’re a beginner in Permaculture you can start by checking out my Permaculture & Gardening section here in the blog. There you can get some [...]

7th May 2017

House by a pond at Krameterhof, Lungau, Austria -

The 3 principles of Holzer Permaculture

Last week I attended a four day workshop at Krameterhof in Lungau, Austria. Krameterhof is the family farm of Sepp Holzer, now taken over by his son Josef Andreas Holzer and his partner Imgard Ilg. On this 40 hectare farm they practice Permaculture on a big scale adjusted to the local alpine [...]

7th July 2016

Sepp Holzer book the rebel farmer

The rebel farmer – book tip

The last days I have been reading a very inspiring book called The Rebel Farmer by Sepp Holzer (I’m reading it in the original German language where the title is Der Agrar-Rebell). This book describes how he has fought his way through life building up an amazing farm high up in the Austrian [...]

16th February 2016

Compact gardening resources

Compact gardening – Part 10

Here you can find links, videos, book tips and other resources that can help you in your compact gardening. This article is a living document which will be continuously updated when coming across more good resources. You’re more than welcome to contribute with links to useful articles, [...]

14th August 2015

5 gardening mistakes I made in 2015

5 Gardening Mistakes I made in 2015

Here are a few things I learned during the first serious gardening season on my terrace. Previously I have been cultivating on land and in easily movable pots in a quite different climate. Here in Germany I’m on a rooftop terrace with a mix of fixed (at least for the season) garden beds and [...]

11th August 2015

Herb garden raised bed

Compact gardening – Part 9

Today I will give you a step by step process which you can use when designing a new garden or if you want to update an existing one. Tools you will need: Color pens, paper, ruler or a garden design system on your computer – whichever you prefer. A long measuring tape or folding rule is also [...]

16th July 2015

Pond rose

Compact gardening – Part 8

If you live in an apartment without a garden, terrace or balcony you probably think there is very little you can do to grow your own vegetables and herbs. Think again! There are some really smart methods out there that anyone can use. At least anyone that can afford electricity, a small water pump [...]

19th June 2015

Compact gardening 7

Compact gardening – Part 7

Nature has all you need to be able to provide your plants with the required nutrients and to protect them from weeds and pests. Through designing pro-actively and trying to fit in as much biological variety as possible in your system you prevent many pests from establishing themselves. In this [...]

12th June 2015

Digging the no dig

Compact gardening – Part 6

One of the key principles of working with Permaculture is to make the least possible invasive impact to your garden (or other eco-) system. Digging or re-structuring landscaping should only be made where it is absolutely necessary to achieve the desired design, and turning over the soil every year [...]

22nd May 2015

Compact gardening – Part 5

Today you’ll learn how to draw up seedlings directly from seeds, how to take care of young plants and how to choose plants if you prefer buying them directly from a garden center. Seedlings and young plants are sensitive and need extra care to thrive and grow into strong and productive [...]

19th May 2015

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