
Crafted in October 2016 - What I did during the Creative October Challenge this year.

Crafted in October 2016

The Creative October Challenge is now done for 2016. It has been a lot of fun and even more so thanks to having some more people to share the experience with! Great contributions in the Facebook group One of the best parts of opening up the Creative October Challenge to the public has been to see [...]

3rd November 2016

Medieval apron sewing strap

A medieval apron

A couple of weeks ago was the yearly flea market of the medieval reenactment group I’m in. I had told myself that I most probably wouldn’t find anything useful since most of the things being sold are the old used things that people no longer find authentic enough. Well… I was [...]

25th April 2016

Burg Waldeck from path up to the castle

Hike up to Burgruine Waldeck

This weekend I took a trip to another medieval castle ruin nearby that I had wanted to see for some time: Burgruine Waldeck. It’s not fully clear when this castle was first built. It appears to have been mentioned the first time in the mid 12th century, but like many castles of this type it [...]

18th April 2016

tablet weaving tools

Tablet weaving course in Uppsala

Last weekend I visited a tablet weaving course in Uppsala, Sweden. I have wanted to learn this technique for a long time but never took the time to struggle through the instructions I had lying around. I thought it would be more efficient and fun to visit a course with an experienced teacher and [...]

23rd February 2016

historical hand sewing materials

Historical Hand Sewing Tutorial 1 – Materials

Hand sewing tutorials for history freaks Welcome to part one of my historical hand sewing tutorial series! In these articles I will write about materials and techniques used when sewing clothes and accessories in past times when there were no sewing machines. My main focus is Viking and medieval [...]

8th January 2016

Crafted in October

Crafted in October

Here is a quick update on the items I have been crafting in October. I have only been using materials I already owned as part of my consumption free October experiment. The items I have been making have largely been hand made, which means I haven’t finished as much as I would have if I was [...]

27th October 2015

Parts of 13th century surcot

A 13th century surcot in progress

Currently I’m working on a surcot – a sleeveless dress – for my 13th century garb. Since the yearly knight’s dinner (Rittermal) in my reenactment group is taking place on the 7th of November I wanted to have something a bit fancier than my peasant’s clothing to wear. A [...]

20th October 2015

Naalbinding - Wrist warmer made with Brodén stitch.

Naalbinding progress

A few days ago I finished my first proper naalbinding garment ever – a wrist warmer in relatively thin undyed woll which I got myself on the Bad Wildbad medieval fair from one of the representatives of Das Goldene Vlies – a cooperative promoting local products from the Coburger [...]

6th October 2015

Kenzingen Mittelaltermarkt

Historisches Altstadtfest Kenzingen 2015

I’m back from the hottest weekend in ages. Standing on stage in full sun, dressed in a wool dress when it’s 38 degrees Celcius in the shadow isn’t really something I can recommend. But besides that I had a great time at the market. The church next to the camp had really beautiful [...]

7th July 2015

Nerdy Num Num

Medieval nerdery

Today it’s time to put on my old Viking/early medieval clothes and get going to meet up with the other guys from the reenactment group I participate in. There’s a medieval Christmas market downtown and we’re hanging out there for some drinks by the fire. Not the most authentic [...]

23rd December 2014

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