
Flowers of Evil - Upcycled tote bag

Upcycled tote bag | “Flowers of Evil”

Today I’m trying something new here. For years I have wanted to gather up the courage to start selling a few products of my own but always felt it was somehow “intrusive” or thinking “nobody will care”… But without trying, how would I know? Sure, I did help out [...]

10th November 2016

Crafted in October 2016 - What I did during the Creative October Challenge this year.

Crafted in October 2016

The Creative October Challenge is now done for 2016. It has been a lot of fun and even more so thanks to having some more people to share the experience with! Great contributions in the Facebook group One of the best parts of opening up the Creative October Challenge to the public has been to see [...]

3rd November 2016

Upcycling skirt

Upcycling jeans into a skirt – part 1

Upcycling is fun, but always takes more time than expected. Today I wanted to show you how to make a skirt out of two old pairs of jeans, but I only managed to get halfway through the process. I decided to split up the article in two parts so that I can continue another day with a clear head and [...]

27th October 2016

Creative October update - cutting out blue dress

Creative October update

We’re already 30 people in the Creative October Challenge Facebook group and I know a few more are joining in privately without posting to the group. It’s really nice to read about the different reasons the participants have for joining the challenge, the projects they are planning for [...]

6th October 2016

How to bind a book - a simple method for beginners

How to bind a book

In this article I’m showing you how to bind a book using whatever paper you have at hand and just a few tools that most people have at home. I don’t claim in any way to be a skilled bookbinder – this is just a simple technique I know that works perfect for making smaller notebooks [...]

29th September 2016

Join the Creative October Challenge - #creativeoctober

Creative October Challenge coming up

Yes, it’s still August over here but this time I want to announce this well in advance to make sure that you also join the Creative October Challenge! Edit: The Creative October Facebook group is now open. Click on the pic below to join! Last year I decided to make October a month to focus on [...]

11th August 2016

Medieval apron sewing strap

A medieval apron

A couple of weeks ago was the yearly flea market of the medieval reenactment group I’m in. I had told myself that I most probably wouldn’t find anything useful since most of the things being sold are the old used things that people no longer find authentic enough. Well… I was [...]

25th April 2016

Sewing machine foot

Starting up the monster machine

The monster machine is up and running My corset project has been a bit slow this week due to not feeling 100% well and also focusing on rehearsing when I had some free time and energy left over. My old plastic darling is still going strong. Earlier this week I managed to cut out all the pieces but [...]

29th January 2016

cutting corset lining

Quick corset sewing update

Today will just be a really quick update on the corset sewing progress. I selected a few pieces of scrap fabric to use for the lining. Since it won’t show and I found some robust fabrics that won’t stretch I didn’t feel the need to invest in expensive coutil when making this one. [...]

26th January 2016

Corset pattern top image

Corset making time

While I continue to work on the pendant for my stage costume, I started preparing the next step which will be sewing a corset to wear together with a long skirt. The interactive corset pattern from is a pattern I have used before when I made an ensemble to wear for the [...]

12th January 2016

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